Sign Up

Sign up on Interviewer.AI


Welcome to Interviewer.AI! Signing up is a quick and easy process that allows you to create an account and start streamlining your hiring process. You have the option to sign up using Google, Microsoft, or manually with your own email and password. We highly recommend using your business email ID when signing up via Google for easier team collaboration and the ability to create your Career Page.


Here are the steps to sign up successfully on Interviewer.AI:


Sign Up:

  • Go to the Interviewer.AI sign-up page by following this link:
  • Select the desired sign-up method: Google, Microsoft, or manual sign-up.
  • If you choose Google or Microsoft, click on the respective button and follow the prompts to sign in with your existing account credentials.
  • If you prefer manual sign-up, enter your email address and create a secure password for your Interviewer.AI account. Then, click on the “Sign Up” button.

Setup your Account:

Invite Team Members:

  • One of the first things we request you to do is invite all the recruiters and hiring managers of your team who are actively going to create a job. You can simply click on Users on the top Menu and invite users to the account.
  • You can define whether you want to give a user access or admin access to the members of your team.
  • If you wish to have more than one organisation (typically identified by different email ids), you may request our team for a Super Admin account to facilitate hiring for the different organizations and yet ensure central control of your hiring data and monitor progress. This is also useful for staffing agencies who hire for multiple organizations, dividing projects and access by different teams.
  • At any time during the usage of Interviewer.AI, you can revoke a team member’s access, giving you complete control of your organization’s hiring process.

Create a Job Interview:

  • If you have a specific job role you are hiring for, you can create a job interview. This will allow you to set up customized interview questions and evaluate candidates effectively.
  • After creating the job interview, you can share it with candidates through various channels such as LinkedIn or your own career page. Additionally, you have the option to import a list of candidates by providing their email addresses and phone numbers, enabling direct invitations for job interviews.

Shortlist and Hire:

  • Once candidates start applying for the job role and submitting their video responses, Interviewer.AI will automatically stack rank them based on their performance and suitability for the position.
  • You can “shortlist” candidates whom you believe are a good fit for the role. This will allow you to collect feedback from your hiring team and collaborate on the selection process.
  • Based on the feedback and rankings, you can invite the most promising candidates for further human interviews.
  • After making a hiring decision, you can tag the selected candidate as hired and track the time it took to complete the hiring process directly within the Interviewer.AI platform.
  • Additionally, you have the option to invite team members to provide their feedback on candidates, improving the hiring process and ensuring a collaborative approach.

Congratulations! You are now not only signed up on Interviewer.AI but ready to leverage the platform’s advanced features for streamlined and efficient hiring. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy hiring!

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