Frequently Asked Questions that come to your mind

How does credit-based pricing work?

Credit-based pricing is designed keeping your hiring needs in mind. We learnt through our customers, hiring varies month on month, and it's difficult to manage it on a monthly fixed pricing. To simplify, we now allow customers to go for unlimited number of jobs. They only have to pay for the credits used, which is actual number of candidates who have not just applied for the job but also taken the video interview. This not only shows the candidate's seriousness but also allows the customers to only pay for assessed digital profiles. 

How do I add candidates to my job?

There are three ways to add candidates to a job.
1) You can do so by manually adding candidates.
2) Upload an excel or a .csv file.
3) Simply copy the shareable jobs link and link it to the 'apply' button on your career page, LinkedIn job post, or share it on social media. View Demo

How does Interviewer.ai act as a hiring assistant?

Interviewer.AI acts as a hiring assistant by helping you shortlist top quality candidates from 100s of applicants. No more sifting through resumes or countless traditional interviews before you meet your desired hire.
Simply create a job and Interviewer.AI will do the following:

  1. Collect all applicants on a single dashboard. Prescreen candidates using a short structured video interview for skills such as teamwork, problem solving, creative thinking, etc. without the need for the human interviewer to be present.
  2. It then sorts candidates for key soft skills required for the job. E.g. communication skills, sociability, positive energy along with a detailed AI score for each candidate for the said soft skills.
  3. Now you can easily shortlist 3-5 candidates, share within your team to decide which candidates you invite for a face-to-face interview.

I am using my business credit card. Will I receive an invoice?

Yes you will receive an invoice for your records. We do not charge your credit card for the first 14 days to give users time to conduct trial runs using our product. After the two weeks are over, the pricing plan you chose initially will kick in.

For what roles should I use Interviewer.AI?

Interviewer.AI assesses candidates for soft skills such as communication skills, friendliness, and energy levels which are ideal for customer-facing roles. But these are also key skills to thrive in any working environment, so you can choose to interview candidates for all roles.

What's the difference between Interviewer.AI and other video interview softwares like Hirevue?

Asynchronous video interview softwares mostly just record the video interview, leaving the assessment to recruiters and hiring managers, or have a blackbox AI score with no transparency on what the software is measuring. Interviewer.AI goes to the top of the funnel, encouraging every candidate to record a video interview, irrespective of the costs. Our AI then assesses candidates using computer vision, voice analytics, and natural language processing, therefore stack ranking candidates based on different skills relevant to the job, transparently.

Do I have to think of interview questions on my own? Won’t that take too long?

Not necessarily. We try to save as much time as possible for all our users! ⏰ Interviewer.AI recommends scientifically-proven structured interview techniques as a predictor of future job performance💡.

Can I create my own questions?

We have created templates for different roles but you are free to create your own interview under ‘new custom job’. You can create your own and adjust the time limit for each question.

Why do we limit the interviews to 10 minutes?

We understand you would like to set up longer interviews than the 10 minutes limit which we have.

10 minutes can be pressing, but we do have our motives for them.

There are three major reasons for this 10 minutes interview restriction:

Primary reason:
1. Our platform is designed to meet pre-interview/pre-screening requirements;
2. We do not want the interview process becoming monotonous with a 30 minute long interview, we did have clients who did this when we kept the window open;
3. Our platform is used across different regions and certain places, if they do not have good connectivity a heavy video file may be difficult to upload.

Do you source candidates?

We don’t. However, we can easily integrate with your LinkedIn, Facebook job posts. You could also share job links with your network on social media, Slack, groups, wherever your candidates are. We can even power your career page, so that you don’t have to manage candidates over an email ID like careers@company.com

How do I get started?

Simply fill out the one-time sign up form (tip: you’ll need the company logo☝) and you are ready to start creating interviews! From here, you can make custom interviews or use the templates that we have available.

How do I create an interview?

Once you have logged in, you are brought to the dashboard, where you can select your plan and start creating interviews with ready-made templates or questions of your own. Click on this demo for more information 👀. View Demo.📹

Can the interviews be automatically shared with candidates after I have set it up? I don’t have the time to send individual interviews as people apply.

Yes they can. After you create an interview, you get access to a shareable link which you can send out to your applicants in one sitting.

How will applicants know whether they were successfully chosen to be shortlisted?

After Interviewer.AI has analysed video interviews, companies can choose to email shortlisted candidates to invite them for an interview. They also have a choice to send rejection emails once they have completed the process.

How long does it take for video interviews to be assessed by AI?

Depending on the number of video interviews being assessed, Interviewer.AI will take about 15-30 minutes to complete the assessment and reflect the results on the dashboard.

What skills do you measure?

We stack rank candidates based on experience levels, academic qualifications, and skills through the resume. We also use a questionnaire to measure skills like teamwork, leadership, initiative, etc. through a WorkMap (Skills) analysis; as well as professionalism, sociability, and communication skills from the video interview.

Does the AI tell me who to hire?

Interviewer.AI provides you with candidate insights. You can easily change parameters, and candidates will be sorted differently based on your new search criteria. In short, the power of who to hire, lies with you - the hiring manager. Our AI just makes the work easier for you!


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