
Company Profile

Company Profile

Adding a Company Profile on Interviewer.AI


Your company profile on Interviewer.AI provides valuable information about your organization to candidates and helps create a professional and engaging experience during the hiring process. By adding a company profile, you can showcase your brand, provide insights into your business, and attract top talent. Here’s how you can easily update your company profile on Interviewer.AI:

  • Login to Interviewer.AI’s Dashboard 

To begin updating your company profile, log in to your Interviewer.AI account using your credentials. Once logged in, you will be directed to the Dashboard.

  • Access Your User Thumbnail

In the top right corner of the screen, you will find your user thumbnail. It may display your initials or profile picture. Click on your user thumbnail to open a drop-down menu with various options.

  • Choose “Company Profile”

From the drop-down menu, select the “Company Profile” option. This will take you to the settings page specifically designed for managing your company profile.

  • Upload Your Company Logo

To add your company logo, look for the “Upload your Company Logo” section on the company profile page. Click on the designated area and choose the file containing your company logo from your computer or device. The system will automatically upload and display your logo as the visual representation of your company on Interviewer.AI.

  • Select Your Business Category

In the same company profile settings page, you will find a drop-down list where you can select the category that best represents your business. Choose the category that aligns with your company’s industry or field.

  • Add a Company Description

Provide a compelling and informative description of your company in the designated area. This description will be automatically updated on all your job interviews, allowing candidates to gain insights into your organization’s values, culture, and offerings.

  • Save Your Changes

Once you have uploaded your logo, selected your business category, and added a company description, ensure to save your changes by clicking the “Save Profile” button at the bottom of the page. This will apply the updates to your company profile on Interviewer.AI.


By following these simple steps, you can easily create a company profile that showcases your brand, enhances your employer branding, and provides candidates with a better understanding of your organization.


Remember to regularly review and update your company profile to reflect any changes in your business, such as rebranding, new offerings, or updates to your company description.


If you encounter any issues or require further assistance while updating your company profile on Interviewer.AI, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@interviewer.ai. We are here to help you create a compelling and engaging company profile that attracts top talent to your organization.

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