Share Interviews with Candidates – Simple and Easy

Sharing interviews with potential candidates has never been easier. Interviewer.AI offers you a wide range of options to share interviews.


Interviews created on Interviewer.AI are assigned a unique link (URL). These links can be embedded on web pages or shared with candidates over emails.



Job Posting and Status Updates on Social Media Sites

Pretty much, everyone these days is a member of one or more Social Media sites, and so, these sites are a considerable candidate base. We’ve enabled one-click-share support for two of the most used sites by job seekers—LinkedIn and Twitter.


Ensure that you’re logged into the sites when you want to share the interviews.


  • On LinkedIn, interviews can be embedded in job postings or shared as status updates or private messages to selected candidates.
  • On Twitter, interviews are always shared as tweets.
  • On other sites, share the interview links as posts.



  • Go to the Interviews page, click the LinkedIn or Twitter icon, and post the interview.



Embed on Web Pages

Interview links can be embedded on web pages for job boards and people networking sites.


We can even help you automate the posting of interviews from Interviewer.AI to your Careers page. Contact us at if you want to enable this automation.


Share Interviews by Inviting Candidates

Sometimes you may already have a list of candidates, and you’re looking to use Interviewer.AI to assess them. In such cases, you can add them to the interview and share the interview link over email. Candidates click the link, which takes them to the page to apply for the job.


Add Candidates One-By-One

  • Click New candidate (above the list of candidates), enter the name, email address, and phone number, and click Confirm.

Add Candidates in Bulk

Candidate details can be added to an interview in bulk. The details must be stored in a CSV file, and the file must contain exactly three columns in the following order and case: name, email, and phone.

  • Click Import by CSV (above the list of candidates), choose the CSV file and click Add candidates.



Send interview link

  1. After you’ve added candidates to the interview, select the candidates who must be interviewed and click Send interview link (below the list of candidates).
  2. Fine-tune the invite and click Send.

We send two auto-reminders to candidates after 24 hours and 48 hours.


When candidates submit their interview responses through any mode (Social Media posts, embeds on web pages or Career pages, or invitation emails), they are analyzed by our AI, and your hiring managers can start shortlisting them. See Shortlist candidates for more details.

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