
What Makes A Fair Hiring Process?

Fair Hiring Process

We are human. And we are biased; Whether it be conscious or unconscious.

As HR professionals, it is our duty to evaluate job candidates as fairly and as objectively as possible. But being human, it’s natural to become subjective. Every step of the application process may trigger some sort of bias towards or against the candidate. Whether it is their gender, race, nationality, looks, or even the way in which they organized and worded their CV.

We need help. We need to become fairer in our hiring processes. However, this does not call for AI technology in the main role. We need to work hand-in-hand with AI to get data-driven insights, to build a strong collaboration between humans and technology, which will in turn help us make optimal hiring decisions.

The Solution to the Problem: Have an AI-Powered Recruitment Process

AI introduces a level of objectivity that cannot be achieved by humans. It’s ability to assess candidates solely on their knowledge, skills and abilities and its ability to create an objective ranking system, makes AI-powered recruitment softwares powerful.

It’s time to reimagine your hiring process. The ability to use smart technology to do repetitive and time-consuming tasks like prescreen and shortlisting candidates for human interviews is gradually redefining HR strategies and practices worldwide. Shift from traditional hiring practices, make your entire hiring process more productive and less expensive, to give yourself a competitive edge.

The Explainable AI

First, get unbiased matching. Explainable AI in recruitment often uses parsing technology which helps identify relevant candidates by matching résumés with the specific job description on parameters such as skill, level of experience, and academic qualification. The way the software does it, is that it analyzes the content of a CV and then matches those elements onto the job description. Furthermore, when a CV is uploaded onto an AI-supported platform, it transforms its entire content into sentences that are stripped of any elements that might be biased. Pictures, age, race, gender, or any other irrelevant elements to the job, don’t make it into the process of matching.

Second, do a pre-interview. After the software prescreens candidates and ensures they are fit for the job, candidates can take a short pre-interview where they can record video responses based on structured interview techniques. This not only ensures all candidates are provided a level-playing field to share their soft skills, personality, interest, and drive to work for the company, but allows hiring managers and recruiters to focus on the relevant applicants without doing a phone/zoom call screening. This means that the task of shortlisting candidates for interviews starts by looking into an objective rank provided by technology at scale that no human effort can solve for. In this ranking, the candidate that appears on top is the one that shows the highest level of compatibility with the job based on their skills and the candidate that appears at the bottom represents the weakest level of compatibility with the job. However, the hiring manager has the option to sort through skills, increase weightage of certain skills and competencies, and the stack ranking changes; allowing complete flexibility and choice to the hiring manager to make time for the most relevant candidates.

Interviewer.AI is that AI-powered recruitment platform you need. 

At Interviewer.AI, we aim to make hiring practices fairer for everyone and empower you in making apt hiring decisions.

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