
Hiring for Roles Across Locations with AI Video Interviews: How It Has Evolved

AI Video Interviews


The rise of remote work, globalization, and the need for more flexible hiring processes have dramatically transformed how businesses recruit talent. Hiring across locations is no longer a challenge reserved for multinational corporations—small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also benefiting from the ability to source talent from around the globe. With these changes, traditional in-person interviews have given way to innovative technologies, such as AI video interviews, which allow companies to efficiently assess candidates regardless of their geographical location.


In this blog, we’ll explore how AI video interviews have evolved, their benefits for hiring across locations, and why they are becoming essential in the recruitment process. We’ll also examine how this technology has reshaped hiring strategies in response to the ever-changing demands of modern workplaces.




1. The Challenges of Hiring Across Locations: Before AI Video Interviews


Hiring across locations has always posed unique challenges. Traditionally, businesses faced several obstacles when trying to recruit talent from different geographical areas:



– Time zone differences: Coordinating interviews between recruiters and candidates in different time zones often caused delays and logistical difficulties.


– Travel costs: Bringing candidates to the office for in-person interviews was expensive and time-consuming, limiting the pool of talent to those who could afford the travel or relocate.


– Inconsistent evaluation: With candidates interviewed in various formats (e.g., phone, video conferencing, in-person), maintaining consistent evaluation criteria across interviews was difficult.


These challenges often led companies to restrict their hiring to local candidates, missing out on potentially ideal hires from different regions. However, with the advent of AI video interviews, these obstacles have been significantly mitigated, allowing companies to widen their talent search and hire more efficiently.




2. The Evolution of AI Video Interviews: From Convenience to Necessity


AI video interviews are an evolution of traditional video interviews but with a sophisticated technological twist. Instead of merely facilitating conversations, AI-enhanced video interviews actively analyze and assess candidates using machine learning and data-driven insights.


Initially, video interviews were seen as a practical alternative to in-person meetings, offering convenience to both candidates and recruiters. However, as businesses adapted to remote work and began hiring from larger geographic pools, video interviews became a necessity. The global shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 accelerated the adoption of video interviewing technologies, and AI-driven systems quickly followed.



3. How AI Video Interviews Work


In an AI video interview, candidates are typically asked to record their responses to a series of pre-set questions. AI then analyzes these responses based on a range of factors, such as:


– Verbal cues: AI can assess a candidate’s communication style, clarity, and relevance of their answers.


– Non-verbal cues: AI technology can interpret facial expressions, body language, and even emotional tone to gauge a candidate’s confidence, engagement, and interpersonal skills.


– Content analysis: The system can evaluate whether the candidate’s responses align with the role’s specific skills and competencies.


These insights help recruiters make more objective decisions based on data, reducing human bias and improving the quality of hires.



AI Video Interviews



4. The Benefits of AI Video Interviews for Hiring Across Locations


AI video interviews offer several advantages, especially when recruiting across locations:


1.Efficient Screening and Time-Saving


One of the biggest hurdles in hiring for roles across multiple locations is managing large pools of candidates. AI video interviews streamline the screening process by allowing recruiters to assess candidates at scale, without needing to schedule live interviews for everyone. Candidates can complete their interviews at their convenience, and recruiters can review the videos at any time, speeding up the hiring process.



2. Consistency in Evaluation


When hiring across regions, it can be challenging to ensure that each candidate is assessed against the same criteria. AI video interviews standardize the evaluation process by scoring all candidates using the same metrics. Whether the candidate is based in New York, London, or Sydney, they will be assessed consistently, based on the same competencies and skills, eliminating geographic bias.



3. Reduced Costs and Global Reach


AI video interviews eliminate the need for costly travel arrangements. By removing geographic restrictions, businesses can tap into global talent pools without worrying about relocation costs or time-consuming logistics. Companies can attract and hire the best talent from around the world, regardless of where they are located.



4. Enhanced Candidate Experience


In today’s candidate-driven market, providing a seamless and flexible interview process is critical to attracting top talent. AI video interviews allow candidates to participate at their convenience, no matter their time zone. Candidates also benefit from quicker response times, as AI helps recruiters identify top candidates faster.



5. Objective Hiring Decisions


One of the most significant advantages of AI video interviews is the objectivity they bring to the hiring process. Traditional interviews are susceptible to biases, whether conscious or unconscious, that can impact hiring decisions. AI-driven systems analyze candidates purely based on data, reducing the influence of bias related to gender, race, age, or background.


For example, AI can assess communication skills, confidence, and emotional intelligence without being swayed by the candidate’s appearance, location, or accent, making it easier to identify high-potential candidates who might have been overlooked in a traditional process.




5. How AI Video Interviews Have Reshaped Hiring Strategies


As AI video interviews have become more sophisticated, they’ve also led to the development of new hiring strategies tailored to the demands of modern businesses. Here are some key ways this technology has reshaped recruitment:



a. Skills-Based Hiring


AI video interviews enable companies to shift toward skills-based hiring, where the focus is on a candidate’s actual abilities rather than their educational background or job history. By analyzing the specific skills needed for the role and matching them with the candidate’s responses, companies can make more informed hiring decisions. This is particularly valuable when hiring across regions, as skills may differ slightly depending on the local market.



b. Remote Work and Flexibility


The rise of remote work has made it possible to hire employees regardless of their location, but it also presents challenges in ensuring the candidate is suited to a remote role. AI video interviews help evaluate whether candidates possess the traits needed to succeed in a remote working environment—self-discipline, effective communication, and adaptability.


Moreover, businesses can tailor AI video interview questions to assess candidates’ ability to work across different time zones, collaborate with remote teams, and handle the unique challenges of virtual work.



c. Diversity and Inclusion


As companies place greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion, AI video interviews have emerged as a valuable tool for promoting equal opportunities. By removing the biases that can be inherent in traditional interviews and evaluating candidates purely on their competencies, businesses can create more inclusive hiring processes. This is especially important when hiring across regions, where cultural, linguistic, and educational differences might otherwise skew hiring decisions.



d. Data-Driven Hiring Decisions


AI video interviews provide rich data that can be used to refine and improve hiring processes over time. Companies can track which interview questions yield the best hires, analyze which skills are most predictive of success in specific roles, and continually optimize their recruitment strategies.


For businesses hiring across multiple locations, this data can reveal trends in the regional talent pool, helping to fine-tune the interview process for each market.




6. Best Practices for Using AI Video Interviews Across Locations


To make the most of AI video interviews when hiring across locations, consider the following best practices:


– Tailor questions to the role and region: Customize interview questions based on the specific requirements of the role and any regional nuances.


– Ensure consistency: Use the same evaluation criteria for all candidates to maintain fairness and objectivity.


– Train recruiters: Ensure your recruitment team understands how to interpret AI-generated insights and make data-driven hiring decisions.


– Maintain transparency: Communicate with candidates about how AI will be used in the interview process and reassure them that the system is designed to promote fairness and objectivity.







As businesses continue to embrace remote work and expand their talent search across regions, AI video interviews have become a crucial tool in the recruitment process. This technology allows companies to efficiently and objectively assess candidates, while offering a flexible, scalable solution for global hiring. By removing geographic barriers, enhancing consistency, and promoting diversity, AI video interviews are reshaping the way companies hire talent—now and in the future.





Interviewer.AI is a technology platform purposely built to support Recruiters and HR teams in finding top talent for their companies. We also work with universities to help them with admissions and coaching, helping them use technology to solve for talent and training. Our mission is to make hiring equitable, explainable, and efficient. to screen in advance and shortlist the candidates that meet the criteria set. 


Schedule a demo today to learn more about how AI interviews can help your hiring.



Gabrielle Martinsson


Gabrielle Martinsson is a Content Writer at Interviewer.AI. She’s a tech geek and loves optimizing business processes with the aid of tech tools. She also loves travelling and listening to music in her leisure.




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Video interview platforms allow companies to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers and opening up opportunities to attract top talent from around the world.
Instead of scheduling and conducting multiple rounds of interviews, hiring managers can set up AI video interviews that allow candidates to record their responses at their convenience.
AI video interviews offer a solution by providing a more objective evaluation of candidates. AI-powered platforms can assess responses based on specific skills, traits, and qualities—without being influenced by a candidate’s appearance, accent, or personal background.

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