
Getting Trained for Using Video Interview Platforms as a Hiring Team: A Comprehensive Guide

Video Interview


As the hiring landscape continues to evolve, more companies are turning to video interview platforms to streamline their recruitment process. Video interviews have become a standard tool for assessing candidates remotely, offering flexibility and efficiency for both recruiters and candidates. However, to make the most of these platforms, hiring teams must be properly trained to use them effectively. Understanding the technology, the best practices, and how to adapt to this evolving method of interviewing is essential to ensure that the hiring process remains smooth and productive.


In this blog, we will explore why training your hiring team to use video interview platforms is crucial, what key skills and strategies are needed, and the best practices to follow for a successful video interviewing process.



1. The Growing Importance of Video Interviews in Hiring


Video interviews have become more prevalent, especially with the rise of remote work and global recruitment. Here are some of the key reasons companies are increasingly adopting video interview platforms:


– Wider Talent Pool: Video interviews allow companies to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers and opening up opportunities to attract top talent from around the world.


– Cost and Time Efficiency: Video interviews reduce travel costs and save time for both candidates and recruiters, allowing multiple interviews to be conducted quickly and efficiently.


– Consistency and Objectivity: With structured video interviews, hiring teams can use the same questions and criteria across all candidates, creating a more consistent and objective hiring process.


However, to fully leverage these benefits, hiring teams must be trained in the proper use of video interview platforms.



2. Why Training Your Hiring Team Is Essential


While video interview platforms may seem straightforward, proper training is essential to ensure that your team is using the technology to its full potential. A well-trained hiring team can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smoother, more professional interview process. Here’s why training is critical:


1. Mastering the Technology


Even the most user-friendly platforms have features and functionalities that require training to use effectively. From setting up interview templates to scheduling interviews and analyzing data, your team must be familiar with all aspects of the platform. Training helps reduce technical hiccups and ensures a seamless experience for both recruiters and candidates.


2. Improving Candidate Experience


A well-trained hiring team can create a positive candidate experience, which is essential for attracting top talent. Recruiters who are confident in using video interview platforms will appear more professional and focused during interviews. Poorly executed interviews, on the other hand, can leave candidates with a negative impression of your company.


3. Maximizing Data-Driven Decisions


Many video interview platforms use AI and analytics to assess candidate responses, track performance, and generate insights. Training your hiring team to interpret these data points ensures that they are making informed decisions based on objective criteria, leading to better hires and reduced bias.




Video Interview



3. Key Skills Your Hiring Team Needs to Master Video Interview Platforms


There are several key areas where your hiring team needs to be proficient to conduct successful video interviews:


1. Technical Proficiency

Understanding the technical aspects of the platform is crucial. Your hiring team should be trained to:


– Set up video interviews and send invitations to candidates.

– Navigate the platform’s interface and utilize features such as screen sharing, chat functions, and recording.

– Troubleshoot common issues like audio or video problems, ensuring smooth interviews even when technical challenges arise.



2. Effective Communication


Video interviews differ from in-person interviews in several ways, especially when it comes to communication. Your team needs to be trained to:


– Maintain a professional demeanor on camera, as body language and facial expressions are more visible.

– Speak clearly and ensure that questions are framed properly to avoid misunderstandings.

– Pay attention to non-verbal cues from the candidate, such as eye contact, body language, and engagement.


3. Creating a Structured Interview Process

A structured interview ensures that all candidates are assessed on the same criteria. Training should include how to:


– Develop a clear list of questions and ensure consistency across all interviews.

– Use scoring systems and criteria built into the platform to objectively evaluate candidates.

– Take notes during or after the interview using the platform’s tools without disrupting the flow of the conversation.


4. Assessing Soft Skills


Video interviews provide a unique opportunity to evaluate soft skills, such as communication, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Your hiring team should be trained to:


– Ask questions that reveal soft skills and behavior.

– Use AI tools (if available) within the platform to assess tone, language, and emotional responses.

– Identify how candidates handle the potential awkwardness of video interviews, which can be an indicator of adaptability and problem-solving abilities.




4. Best Practices for Training Your Team to Use Video Interview Platforms


To ensure that your hiring team is fully prepared to use video interview platforms, follow these best practices:


1. Provide Hands-On Training


The best way to train your team is through hands-on practice. Create mock interviews where team members can practice navigating the platform, adjusting technical settings, and conducting interviews. These simulations will help your team become more comfortable with the platform’s features and reduce the likelihood of technical issues during real interviews.



2. Offer Ongoing Support and Resources


Training shouldn’t stop after the initial onboarding. Ensure that your team has access to ongoing support and resources, such as tutorials, user guides, and help desk services. Periodically offer refresher courses or webinars to keep the team up-to-date with any new features or updates to the platform.



3. Focus on Candidate Experience


During training, emphasize the importance of creating a positive candidate experience. Teach your team how to make candidates feel comfortable during the interview, especially if it’s their first time using a video platform. Encourage empathy and active listening skills to ensure candidates feel valued and heard, even in a virtual environment.



4. Incorporate Feedback and Adjust


After each round of video interviews, collect feedback from both candidates and interviewers. This can help you identify areas for improvement in both the platform’s use and the overall interview process. Use this feedback to refine training and improve the system for future hires.



5. Leverage AI and Analytics Tools


Many video interview platforms offer built-in AI tools to assess candidates’ responses, body language, and overall performance. Train your team on how to interpret these insights to make more data-driven decisions. AI-driven scoring can help identify top candidates and highlight any discrepancies in human assessments.



5. Adapting to Remote and Hybrid Hiring Trends


As remote work becomes more prevalent, the ability to conduct efficient video interviews has become essential. By training your hiring team to master video interview platforms, your company can adapt to the shifting hiring landscape. Whether you’re hiring fully remote employees or building hybrid teams, video interviews will likely remain a critical tool in the recruitment process.



6. Choosing the Right Video Interview Platform


Training your hiring team also involves choosing the right video interview platform for your needs. Look for platforms that offer the following features:


– Customization: The ability to customize questions and interview templates based on the role and company needs.

– Scalability: A platform that can handle large volumes of interviews as your company grows.

– AI-Powered Analytics: Tools that help assess candidates’ verbal and non-verbal responses, along with automated scoring systems.

– Integration: Seamless integration with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or other HR tools to streamline the hiring process.

– Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface that both candidates and hiring teams can navigate easily.


Once you’ve chosen a platform, tailor your training program to fit the specific features of that system.





As video interviews become a critical component of modern hiring strategies, it’s essential to ensure that your hiring team is well-equipped to use these platforms effectively. Proper training not only improves the quality of your interviews but also enhances the candidate experience, leading to better hires and a more efficient recruitment process.


By focusing on technical proficiency, structured interviews, and data-driven decision-making, your hiring team will be prepared to navigate the challenges of remote and hybrid work environments. With the right training, you can unlock the full potential of video interview platforms and ensure that your company remains competitive in the rapidly evolving job market.






Interviewer.AI is a technology platform purposely built to support Recruiters and HR teams in finding top talent for their companies. We also work with universities to help them with admissions and coaching, helping them use technology to solve for talent and training. Our mission is to make hiring equitable, explainable, and efficient. to screen in advance and shortlist the candidates that meet the criteria set. 


Schedule a demo today to learn more about how AI interviews can help your hiring.



Gabrielle Martinsson


Gabrielle Martinsson is a Content Writer at Interviewer.AI. She’s a tech geek and loves optimizing business processes with the aid of tech tools. She also loves travelling and listening to music in her leisure.



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